I'll just say it, Instagram has made me lazy.

I can just point and shoot and upload and call it a day. Which is fantastic because lemme tellya, there is a lot of crap going on right now that keeps me away from this laptop. The only things I want to see this machine for are visual references for painting, pandora rockin', and google-chatting my ladies.
So, Instagram, I appreciate the convenience, but I also feel disconnected from writing, emails, blogging, so on.
Partly, this is all going to explain why it's taken me so long to give a big shout-out check-out (and thank-you) to one of my favorite ladies out there

This Sussex-born Wales-living lady makes lovely music, entertaining bloggery, pretty photographs, and downright adorable babies. Make yourself a cup of tea and head on over to read her blog,
Mossery: a collection of mosses. She recently did a re-post of one of my favorite entries, which has one of my favorite sentences in it:
"I've been sitting on my computer at my parents house for a week endlessly and cleanly extracting sunflower seeds from their black shells with my teeth, a technique I finally perfected whilst spinning through the Gobi Desert almost two weeks ago."
Love it.
She also recently did a post featuring my work,
right here, which was so sweet I got a bit weepy.
So thank you lady! I love your work as well.
I'm going to try to focus on writing actual words and sentences here more often. Like I said, I've been disconnected from writing in general, because of so many things. We'll see how it goes.
Meanwhile, you should totally follow me on Instagram --> @melissasuestanley