"Trust thyself. Every heart vibrates to that iron string"
Dear Internets,
I've been pondering what to write to you for a week or so now. I mean, I've been blogging with you since at least 2005. I feel like some sort of update on what's happening is in order. And your emails and support and thoughts have all been wonderful lately. Thanks for thinking of me.
Well, of the last six weeks of my life, I'm not going to say anything. Maybe in a year or two (or maybe ten, or maybe never) I can write about it. It's been more difficult than I can actually explain right now.
For today, here's all you really need to know:
I live in the suburbs of Chicago
I got my old job back.
I'm a brunette now
I will be getting back to work - art work - this week. So stay tuned for that. If you're waiting for an email or an update from me, it'll come by Tuesday. Commissions should be open in time for the Holidays. Etc. I'm excited for the new paintings and I think you will also enjoy them.
Again, thanks for your thoughts and support. Don't worry: I got a big smile and a big heart and a big pile of work to do.
I bounce.
melissa sue