My art business has been a little quiet, at least on the surface. I've been processing a lot of information and ideas from travel, catching up on work, catching up on the part-time desk gig, catching up on spending time sketching and drawing, writing, cooking, cleaning, settling.
Meanwhile, as i do that, my first published article came out, in
Stuffed Magazine, and hit Jo-Ann Fabrics, Borders, Barnes & Nobles, etc, all over the country.
Meanwhile, my first check for writing an article, for said magazine, came in the mail, and I felt another milestone under my feet.
Meanwhile, these three bastards are on their way home, and will be available for consumption soon.

Meanwhile, I've got two more of my 'children' arriving in Maryland for my first plush-art-show experience, at the Art Whino gallery, for the Mortal Plush show, this Saturday, July 11.

Meanwhile, I am keeping to what I want and keeping it honest and keeping quiet.
wabi sabi
dusty yarn
expensive beer
worn-out hands
my dog
florenza pincushions
mini comics
higgins ink
henry miller
your face