August already!
So, haven't really been keeping up on the blogging, it's true.
Shortly after my last post here (April?) I dove headfirst into searching for and moving into a new home. Apartment hunting in Chicago isn't too bad, but it can be all-absorbing if you're looking for a 'perfect place'. Luckily, we found the perfect place! I haven't taken too many photos yet, but it's really lovely - so much space to make art, surrounded by trees and gardens and quiet. And still within the busy city in a fun neighborhood, and right next to the train.
My new commute to the day job
The office looming up high over everything as we putter along slowly through the treetops
Since I started taking the train I've been sketching little portraits of the other commuters
which is a great way to begin and end the crazy/busy days at work.
Apart from day job working, moving, and unpacking, I have also gotten some work done.
There's been some large projects, which I'll post about soon, and then the usual constant sketching:

Bu at the housewarming party
Sketch portrait - made with Sktchy and last month's Art Snacks!
Small gouache studies (these are available in the Shop!)
Back to work - more soon!