Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The (Space Trip) Art Show!

The (Space Trip) Art Show opens this Friday!
I'm honored to be included in the show, and this is the new painting I created for it:

"I Feel Fine"
Watercolor and Colored Pencil on paper
8" x 10" 

Available through Gristle Tattoo + Art Gallery
The show is going to be great - 50+ amazing artists have created fun pieces inspired by and celebrating 50 years of Star Trek.
The show will take place in Brooklyn, during the weekend of the Star Trek convention.

OPENING PARTY: Friday, Sept. 2, 7 - 10pm

Saturday, Sept. 3, 12 - 7pm
Sunday, Sept. 4, 12 - 7pm


Saturday, August 13, 2016


It's the Woots!
Woot Berries, that is.

In collaboration with Woot Bear Gallery in San Francisco,
I created seven "Woot Berries", based on their logo. 

Here's a wee video I made for them:
This video featured the prototype, and then the final seven had different stitching and some finessed detailing:

Each is entirely hand-sewn and unique.

Which woot will you choose?

Woot Berries are releasing Saturday, August 13 at 12pm PST
in-store and online at Woot Bear