most of the things that live under your floorboards are mischievous, and often they're little thieves. some steal keys, some steal socks, some take that thing, where did you put it, it was right there...
this guy? what does he steal?

he steals toes.

did you ever get that feeling at night when you are lying in your bed, that if you dangle your foot over the side, something is going to zip by and bite it?

that's this guy

he runs around late at night on those big legs, snipping at the exposed and juicy toes of sleeping people

nom nom!
but, at only eight inches high, how does he reach those plump little piggies?
simple, he just stands up..

absolutely amazing!
Delightful. Came over by way of Superpunch.
Sooo creepy - and yes I fear dangling my toes over the bed, and it appears to be for good reason!
I love him!! He's so adorable!
This monster is so cool! and scary. I like the way you make really cute things, mixed with guys like this.
Darn brilliant, if I may say so :)
what a cute little monster :)
this is so creepy!, I love your stuff but this one freaks me out. I needed to blog about it ( hope you don't mind
Lovely! :P
Your work is absolutely amazing!
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