somewhere in the back of my head, i've got this story lodged, i don't know where i heard it. probably one of these stitched-up monsters i spend all my time with told me. but i know somewhere, there is a hill that in the middle of the night, hitches up its peat and scuttles about the countryside on little skinny legs. this causes great agitation to local cartographers, travelers, and especially the little herder that lives on this hill.

which also makes me think of a pretty hilarious story about this lass named Kelly, who one day on a back road somewhere in ireland, ran screaming down a hill similar to this one, kicking up peat, as she chased a poor flock with her cries of "Here SHEEPY SHEEPY SHEEPY!". good times.
You are blowing me away with these walking creations. I LOVE them.
OH my goodness.... this has got to be the most clever thing I've seen! I just love your work----you must be a very fun person ; ). All the best to you~~
You are so creative...love your designs.
This reminds me of the Baba Yaga myth.
"Baba Yaga lives in a hut deep in the forest. Her hut seems to have a personality of its own and can move about on its extra-large chicken legs."
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