Wednesday, December 18, 2013


December has kept me 
b u s y

A major change was that at the beginning of the month, I got a brand-spankin-new day-job gig
And getting used to a brand-spankin-new day-job always seems to take up time.  A new field to learn about!  Public transportation adventures!  Working on Michigan Ave!  All this and more.  

I'm very excited to have work right now in this show at Clutter Gallery in NY.  If you haven't checked out the show and all the amazing work - you should!  Just click here.

I had two pieces on display.  This piece is sold already:

However, you can still give ol' Pokey Nose a good home:
He's available here through Clutter.  He's also one of the last monsters that'll be available this year, before I go on a little sewing hiatus.

Why a sewing hiatus?  Well:
I just finished an epic sewing-marathon to get ready for the Revolution Brewery Holiday Craft Show! 

It was last weekend, and a whole ton of beer-fueled fun.
I've never done a Craft Show before, and this was a great first experience.  Huge thanks to everyone who showed up!

The hot item for me was the Chicago Bird, which I'm sold out of at the moment
But there will be more after Christmas!
If you're interested in getting on the mailing list for these, just shoot me an email

Oh! And finally
Australia!  In this month's issue of Australian Homespun magazine there's a nifty little feature on me and how I work.  The whole magazine is really great - pick up a copy!

Alright, just a little bit more work left in this month.  Back at it!
