Monday, October 22, 2012


watercolor and colored pencil on paper
Here's a full-image shot of the other mermaid painting that is going to be over at Tymeless Tattoo & Gallery
Saturday, October 27th!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


watercolor and colored pencil on paper

One of two fishy-lady paintings that are off to New York for 
"I'll Be Right Back"
October 27th, 2012 
Tymeless Tattoo & Gallery

Here's some detail pics:

Monday, October 15, 2012

dont blink

Good gravy, I am busy.  Although, it seems like everyone is.  Work work work, driving, driving, life.
But, I did take a couple hours off from the madness to sit with my friends and watch scary movies this weekend.  And if you're going to sit around and watch scary movies, you should do it with a Meatface.


Sorry, I can't get enough Meatface.  I got this idea a few years ago from Super Punch and have been making at least one a year every Halloween since.  Delicious and Disturbing.  He's a conversation stopper. 

I'm still getting my scans of the mermaid fish-ladies put together, but when they're ready I'll post 'em.
In the meantime here's another teeth-teaser

It's certainly toothy and halloweeny around here.  More soon, internet!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

And the other mermaid

After some brief life-delays, this lady is done.  She gets scanned tonight and then I'll post proper pictures tomorrow.

Work work work.
Back to work and then puttering at OhNo!Doom tonight.  Stop by.  Bring me a beer.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hey Internet!  I been workin' too much to blog.  Boo.  My brain is a bit fried, but I'm getting a lot done.  Sleep is rare and full of Dr. Who nightmares. 
Things in the works include this lady, who is getting teeth tonight
And then she'll be all done and ready to scan. 
And then she and her long-necked friend fly off to New York for the show opening on the 27th. 
And then I will answer some emails and take a nap.