Tuesday, April 19, 2011


sketching inside today
bonk bonk


FedEx just dropped this off:

Dorky girl rant: I've been bag shopping for about six months. My last bag was very special to me - it's been all over the world and holds everything and is quite sentimental. But it's starting to fall apart and it smells like a dead hobo.

I saw this gem on Etsy last week and knew it was the one for me.

Smells much better than a dead hobo. Awesome.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pochade - day one

I'm a generally shy person. Painting outside, in "public", ooof.

But it was one of my goals for this Spring, and today was the day. The husband was out the door, the dog was walked, the groceries were bought, the house was cleaned, the German was studied, and the yoga was yoga'd. 11:30 AM came a-tick-tock'in and so, with no further excuses, I packed my little bitty backpack and grabbed the dog and went outside.
Day one, check.
Day two, tomorrow.
And so on.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hey I brought you a radish.

Eat it.

Hey look over there.

So! I have new shoes, but no information on exploding snowmen heads. I postponed my Zuri trip until thursday - and then we're all going to the Kino! (movie theater) I haven't been to a movie in a theater in over a year, so I'm pretty excited.
It's springtime-raining outside and I need to clean my art studio. Heave ho back to work.

Monday, April 11, 2011

blue wonder

i brought you a radish

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fresh From the Wilderness

Unlike their American cousins, these amigurumi drink schnapps and yodel and grow beards